Standard Cataract Surgery
During standard cataract surgery, our surgeon must remove a patient’s cloudy natural lens (the cataract) and replace it with an artificial clear lens. During cataract surgery, we replace the lens to correct a large portion of a patient’s nearsightedness or farsightedness, but they might still require glasses to see in the distance. Additionally, all standard cataract surgery patients will require glasses while looking at objects up close, such as when reading a book.
Premium Lenses (See Near, Far and Everything In-Between)
At Advanced Eye & Laser Center of Mansfield, we offer patients wishing to reduce or eliminate the need for reading or bifocal glasses multiple premium lens implant options. This technology includes multifocal and trifocal IOLs, which allows many patients the ability to see at all distances, even up close, without the need for glasses. These lenses are great for patients that have an active lifestyle and/or like to read. Patients that elect to have a premium lens implant can do most things most of the time without glasses. However, reading glasses are still often needed to see in dim settings such as a dark restaurant or movie theater. Reading glasses might also be needed to see small print, such as the back of a medicine bottle.

Currently Our Office Offers:
- The PanOptics and PanOptics Toric Trifocal Lens by Alcon Pharmaceuticals
- The Symfony Multifocal Multifocal and Symfony Toric Lens by Johnson & Joshnson
- The ReStor Multifocal Lens by Alcon Pharmaceuticals
- Multiple Toric Options for Astigmatism Correction
During your cataract exam, our doctor will go over your candidacy for a premium lens and which one might be right for you. Premium lenses are considered elective and not covered by insurances such as Medicare. However, our office offers multiple payment and financing options.